Security engineering for high-security requirements

Security engineering is about building systems to remain dependable in the face of malice, error, or mischance. Many security systems have critical assurance requirements. Their failure may endanger human life and the environment, seriously damage major economic infrastructure, and endanger the viability of whole business sectors.

As a full-service supplier, we deliver customized solutions for various scenarios.


    • Sliding, swing, and folding gates
    • Turnstiles
    • Barriers
    • Bollards
    • Basic gates
    • Basic turnstiles
    • Federal & State Criminal Police Offices, Police headquarters
    • Courthouses, prisons
    • Industrial plants, electricity suppliers
    • Airports, nuclear power stations
    • Military institutions
    • Protect against natural hazards (rockfall, landslides, debris flow and avalanches)
    • Safety in tunneling, motorsport tracks
    • Maritime Floating Security Barriers


Our solutions generate a fast return on investment and a minimum environmental impact.

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